I am a mama, a professor, an inefficient interior designer, an amateur abstract artist, and a lifestyle photographer based in sunny San Diego, CA. I studied visual communications in college many moons ago, but set aside my artistic ambitions to collect more degrees than anyone really needs and get a job in academia. When I got pregnant with my first child I picked up a camera again in anticipation of a new muse. What I found was not only a muse in my own family but a new lens through which I could see the whole world. Suddenly I noticed light, laughter, and love everywhere and felt compelled to capture it. And I realized that being a professor for over a decade and now being a mom to two little ones has given me a new kind of superpower. Ok, not a superpower exactly, but I am now unafraid to make a complete fool out of myself in front of near strangers if it means I can make a toddler smile, a teenager laugh, or convince a grown adult to walk like a baby giraffe (oh, you read that right, it’s a real client favorite!).

So won’t you come along with me? We will chase the light, reveal real emotions, and make art out of all the in-between improvised moments in our chaotic lives.

Photo below by @victoriaperezphotography 

Fun facts

  • I am from Ohio and landed in San Diego (by way of Kentucky and Indiana) over a decade ago!
  • I took photography classes in college when the digital camera was JUST coming out.
  • When I was in college I interned for a food photographer in New York City! We did photography of both chefs and food and it was one of the coolest experiences ever. Though I did realize I prefer photographing people over inanimate objects.
  • During the week I am a professor of marketing at SDSU. I teach advertising and promotion and actually study consumer psychology and the use of imagery in marketing communications.
  • I eat a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, after my kiddos go to bed of course.
  • My husband and I met the old fashioned way on I was his first online date (or so he claims) and he was my 798th online date (and thankfully my last).
  • I have a rambunctious 2 and 4 year old and they are my favorite muses and sometimes models.

“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.”

Your San Diego Lifestyle photographer