Life is wild, messy, beautiful and nuanced; and many of us are just winging it. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we often forget to notice the tiny glimpses of beauty that are in and around us; to really focus on and study the tiny details that one day we'd give anything to experience again. But I notice. And I have this magic little camera that lets me capture your exquisitely unexpected, unfiltered reactions and interactions. To deliver memories that make your heart sing as you look at them again and again, each time noticing something new, something real, something beautiful… about you, and your life in this moment.

“You just capture so much life in your photos”

Are we a good match?
My Philosophy
I describe my approach as guided lifestyle photography. It is less about posing and more about documenting. My job is to help people feel comfortable enough to get uncomfortable. To abandon any preconceived notions about how to “model” and instead let themselves be vulnerable and unabashed. I want you to let go of any and all expectations of what needs to happen and instead focus on what IS happening. Your life really is magic, I'm just going to show you - or more - remind you of that!

“I expected to love the photos of the kids, but am so beautifully surprised that I love the family shots and the photos of me, too.”

about me
I am a mama, a professor, an inefficient interior designer, an amateur abstract artist, and a lifestyle photographer based in sunny San Diego, CA. I notice light, laughter, and love everywhere and feel compelled to capture it. I am also unafraid to make a complete fool out of myself in front of near strangers if it means I can make a toddler smile, a teenager laugh, or convince a grown adult to walk like a baby giraffe (oh, you read that right, it’s a real client favorite!).
You may not see if yet, but I am here to show you that all the in-between improvised moments in our chaotic lives are actually the most gorgeous art of all.